PLEASE HELP. Cd key changer

※ Download: Diablo 2 cd key changer

Is there a way to edit the installed CD keys? Stoney1211, Sounds like the games have been installed on that PC before so it's fooling the installer into thinking it's ready to play. You won't be able to add another key for that game to the account nor can we remove the existing one to make room for a new one.

Maybe there are other steps I am missing. Please can someone help me through this? Modify original cdkey ---- modifies the cdkeys in the original files of the game. New cdkey file ---- makes a new mpq file that contains only cdkeys.

PLEASE HELP. Cd key changer - I've given you the only options I can based on how the system works. I found out from my ticket last week that since the last time I played the game my original cd key was banned, I don't know why and I don't care.

I found out from my ticket last week that since the last time I played the game my original cd key was banned, I don't know why and I don't care. My friend is letting me use his old CD keys and I was wondering if there was a way to change the CD keys I have installed to those he sends me. Seeming how this new system has been put in place I'm not going to register the cd keys on my account because that means he can never again download the game if its registered here. Is there a way to edit the installed CD keys? Streblo, You'll need to uninstall the game s and then reinstall with the new keys. FYI - you have Diablo II currently registered with a realm-play restricted key on the Battle. You won't be able to add another key for that game to the account nor can we remove the existing one to make room for a new one. I literally installed it last week without knowing it was banned and I'm being punished against ever playing the game again without purchasing new hard copy CD's and installing them without blizzards permission? Streblo, Your idea to not register the borrowed keys isn't going to work either as in order to install the digital installer for Lord of Destruction, you'd have to have the converted 26 digit key you get when registering the 16 digit version. You don't unlock the digital version either until you've registered a key for it. I've given you the only options I can based on how the system works. In my opinion, even though I realize it's a hassle to manage more than one, I'd create a second Battle. I guess if you can't work with me I wont play the game. Go ahead and close the post I guess. The IP address has warranted a lengthy restriction and will not be able to access Battle. I cannot get my LOD key to be accepted when i am installing the LOD. I have reinstalled 3 times now. Stoney1211, Sounds like the games have been installed on that PC before so it's fooling the installer into thinking it's ready to play. Try using the Windows Registry editor Regedit to locate and delete the following key. I have a similar issue, i have a classic diablo II cd key that is only 16 digits long and is a physical copy, i have have 4 physical copys and cd keys for Diablo II LoD, and two physical copies of Diablo II, with cd keys; One of which is the 16 digit one, which cannot be used.


This version was updated by Serby. In my opinion, even though I realize it's a hassle to manage more than one, I'd create a second Battle. The game key for Diablo II is different from the CD-key and is the. I've given you the only options I can based on how the system works. Diablo 2 CD Key Changer, 381KB, This file will allow you to change the CD key that Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Lords Of Destruction uses. Do not rename the exe or else it will not work.